I need a new sketchbook. Somewhat to my bemusement, I discovered I'd used the last page on my current one yesterday, which was wicked annoying because La Bohème came on the classic movie channel and I really wanted to draw some of the people there. They're all just ridiculously pretty in that 1920's sort of way. Something about how stylized
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But it was Dean not trusting Sam, and to me that was misplaced, because like I said Sam has never put Dean in danger
Except for when Sam withheld information and then half killed him in 4x21. ;)
Dean has very valid reasons to distrust Sam. Sam lied to him repeatedly and snuck out with Ruby on a regular basis. He cut Dean out of the loop. Sam's decision to start drinking blood put him in so altered a state of mind that he literally went insane in 4x21 and later that episode, strangled Dean.
My thought about 5x05 was that he was trying to build Sam's confidence back up and that's why he kept shoving everything at Sam. He chose an easy case, he tried to get Sam to do the things he knew Sam enjoyed... He was just an utter jackass about it and went about it in all the wrong ways. Dean has never been "the boss" between them but given Sam's poor decision making in S4, I don't blame Dean for trying to assume a leadership role there. The episode was incredibly one sided though, which meant that we only ever saw Sam's perspective of the situation. Dean's (again, very valid) reasons for distrusting Sam were all discounted or ignored.
Oh, I hated the reveal about the first seal! It's such a huge and significant moment between them; how could they have left that out? It's one of the best examples of clumsy writing in the episode and it leaves me very worried. If TPTB don't understand why that would be such a major issue between Sam and Dean, it makes me wonder if they even understand Sam and Dean at all. Otherwise, how could it have been forgotten?
Which sounds like such a stupid and elitist fan thing to say - "Kripke is writing his characters wrong!" But, you know... Based on what we know of Sam and Dean? Kripke DID write his characters wrong. I just hope the characterization gets better. It was up a bit in 5x06, so let's hope that continues.
IMHO, Dean knew that something was up with Sam in BUaBS. He didn't know what, but he walked into the bar utterly certain that Sam was somehow not Sam. Even if that really had been Sam, I think he made the right decision there. He needed to wait until he actually had proof that this was SAM doing the bad things before he could take fatal action. It was the same thing in Croatoan. Sam showed no signs of turning and Dean WAS prepared to do what was necessary. As soon as Sam turned, Dean was going to kill him and then kill himself. Seems to me that Dean was willing to keep the promise then.
which is why it would have been good to see the conversation in 'GGY' and 'FI' happen early in season 4.
I'm of two minds about that. Yes, it would have been good if those misconceptions were cleared up earlier, but not in early S4. Not when Dean had just gotten back from Hell. That would have been terrible timing! I think they should have had that conversation back in S2, personally, if they were going to have it before. The problem is that Sam hadn't done anything that showed a sign of needing it back then and he didn't really want to "grow up" yet - he wanted Dean to be his big brother still. Dean did try to call Sam out on it in S4 (4x04, 4x08, 4x09, 4x12, 4x14, 4x15, 4x18 all come to mind as times when Dean tried to call Sam out on his behavior), but it wasn't effective because Sam didn't want to meet him half way and Dean couldn't figure out a way to connect to him.
You can't compare those incidents with S&V. In Hunted Sam was trying to find information about himself. If anything he endangered himself. Also, in Asylum Sam didn't let himself get infected, he got a call from who he thought was Dean and went to see what Dean had found, and then got caught off guard. It's not the same as Dean not seeing something wrong with Monroe, I mean he didn't even check to see if the guy was real FBI :/ then shared a drink with him, which got him infected. To me that's putting yourself and your partner in danger. It's not the same as what happened in Hunted and Asylum. Sure Dean got caught by Gordon and was in danger, and he was attacked by Sam in Asylum, but Sam didn't forsee the Gordon situation happening, and he believed his brother was the one who called him.
Except for when Sam withheld information and then half killed him in 4x21. ;)
If you're talking about the demon drinking blood, if anything that was putting himself in danger, not Dean. It never hindered him incapable of having Dean's back on hunts, and it was more of a personal issue than anything. Just like Dean's time in hell. The 4x21 incident again was because it was provoked, it's not the same, in away it's the same as when Dean punched Sam in 'Bloodlust' or in 'Metamorphosis' they were both incidents where Dean was provoked. Now, of course Sam took it to the next level o_o but it's not the same as going on a hunt and making a cautious decision that puts the other party in danger. Example: Dean trusting Manroe in Sex and Violence and letting his guard down and getting infected.
In 'IBLCAOF' we get to see the boys building on what was discussed in 'Fallen Idol' and we are seeing that character growth happening and I so can't wait to see how awesome it gets in the other episodes. There definitely is still a lot to do and build, but if the boys continue down the road they're on now, I think they'll make it :)
But I'm still boiling over how the reveal of the first seal was handled. I just can't believe it was done like that x( ... I really hope they do better when the phone call in 'Lucifer Rising' and the news of Castiel releasing Sam is revealed, if it's done at all :/
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