Feb 16, 2010 00:35
So I was given the suggestion for a blog to write about the profound stuff that I've learned in life. And my first thought was Profound? This is Luigi we're talking about, I don't think I've learned anything profound. Then I was like no, this is a good challenge as both a writer and a person to sit here and truly contemplate it, so I stole my mothers laptop (since she still insists on hijackiing my computer) and decided to just type freely and see what comes of it.
This one's for you Maureen. You sexy sexy prude.
1.) Humor, kindness, and joy are amazing gifts.
There have been many time when I myself have been depressed and while I'm crying and sobbing I will crack a joke and make myself laugh. And I think it's amazing. That even in the midst of anguish and tears that laughter can overcome and I think that's a wonderful thing. I've helped a lot of my friends through things like rage, depression and a lot more by just bringing a bit of myself to them. Telling them jokes or making them smile. I never really realized how much of a gift it was until I got older. Especially in Hudson News where there is a lot of stress and anger. Many of times I have had a cashier come in, or even one of my supervisors and they are in a fowl mood or they are crying because something has happened. And I'll comfort them and listen, and then throw in a joke to just to see them smile. An it's great to know that you've given them just enough to get by. You've helped them. There's nothing I love more than to know that I've stopped someone from feeling heartbroken, or that I've made their stress go away. Just doing something small like buying the stranger behind you in line a cup of coffee can be a great thing for both them and for you. It makes you feel good and it makes them feel good. Kindness is a two way thing. Which I guess is another lesson. But I'll chuck it into this category for the hell of it.
2.) Family is a profound thing.
No matter how much you dislike some of them, or how often you fight with them, family is something that is just so strong. Even dysfunctional families have a sort of strength that is amazing. You may hate your sister, deeply with all your heart. But when push comes to shove you will go above and beyond for her. God forbid someone talks shit about her, you'll be right there to bat. You might fight with your mother all the time about stupid shit. And say things like "I can't wait to move out." or "You make my life a living hell." but you know for damn well no matter how much you fuck up she's gonna have your back. She'll do what she can. She'll bail you out of jail. Loan you money. Deal with your asshole husband or dopey wife. Now sure there's always the exceptions. Not everyone's mother is like that. But you've got that one relative that is so bonded to you, it's almost surreal. It might be your Cousin Frank, or your Aunt Matilda. But there's that one relative that always has your back.
3.) Lessons of the tree
This was a lesson I learned from Tyler Perry but it's so true. And it is something that I've learned to carry in my heart with me all the time. "Some people are meant to come into your life for a lifetime, some for only a season and you got to know which is which. And you're always messing up when you mix those seasonal people up with lifetime expectations.
I put everybody that comes into my life in the category of a tree. Some people are like leaves on a tree. When the wind blows, they're over there... wind blow that way they over here... they're unstable. When the seasons change they wither and die, they're gone. That's alright. Most people are like that, they're not there to do anything but take from the tree and give shade every now and then. That's all they can do. But don't get mad at people like that, that's who they are. That's all they were put on this earth to be. A leaf.
Some people are like a branch on that tree. You have to be careful with those branches too, cause they'll fool you. They'll make you think they're a good friend and they're real strong but the minute you step out there on them, they'll break and leave you high and dry.
But if you find 2 or 3 people in your life that's like the roots at the bottom of that tree you are blessed. Those are the kind of people that aren't going nowhere. They aren't worried about being seen, nobody has to know that they know you, they don't have to know what they're doing for you but if those roots weren't there, that tree couldn't live.
A tree could have a hundred million branches but it only takes a few roots down at the bottom to make sure that tree gets everything it needs. When you get some roots, hold on to them but the rest of it... just let it go. Let folks go."
I've already found three or four of my roots and I'm truly blessed for them. I will say without shame that David, Abby, and Tiffany have truly been roots in my life. And regardless of the fights or the periods we don't talk I know that they are there holding me up.
4.) Nobody said life would be easy....
We all struggle in life. I've yet to meet a person who has had a perfect life. That's stress free. With no problems. And sometimes we forget that. I myself forget it. You think you've got it awful and that everythings coming down on you. but thats just when you get overwhelmed. For everytime there has been such sorrow or fear there have been equal times of joy and love. Sometimes it's what you make of the situation, sometimes there's no changing the situation. But you can always persist. There were times when I've said "this is it, I'll never overcome this feeling of hurt" or fear, or whatever that feeling was. Times when I've felt like my world was coming to an end. Times when I wanted nothing more than to give up. But somehow I managed to persist. And it doesn't matter how. It's that SOMEHOW. and it keeps us all going. Through loss, and through gain. Through hurt and even through love. If life was easy, it wouldn't be interesting. If no one had problems the world would be scary. Is it scary now? Yes. Sometimes you just gotta be like FUCK IT and grab life by the balls and just do what needs to be done. It's easier said than done, and at times that's really evident. But just remember, think back to the shit you've gone through "Hell if I could make it through that...I'll live through this." Oh and if what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, then we should all last longer than the great wall of China.
5.) "Only like 10% of the population is teachers but 100% of people will die." ~Carolyn Palmer
That's right. I hate to break it to you but you're going to die. I'm going to die. My mom is, David is, everyone I care about will. But you can't live your life thinking about death. Sure when you loose someone you grieve. You have to, it's normal. But don't let death consume you. My friend put it best, We all die. No matter what. You're going to die. I plan on living forever, and so far i've done a pretty good job, but I don't think I'll succeed at it. And that's the thing. Don't make things hard. Life is difficult enough as it is without making more problems for yourself. Just remember it's life, no matter what you do, no one gets out alive. So just ride it out till the end. Guns blazing. Live for yourself, and live for others.
6.) Mothers know best.
I hate this lesson. I really do, I don't like to admit it. But I'll be fucking damned if my mother isn't right most of the time. I've never heard anyone say "Told ya so" as much as I've heard my mother say it. Most mothers in fact. I don't know what it is. Dads can't do it, brothers try and occasionally they will get one or two right answers in there. But mothers, god bless them. That's shit you can't teach. It's just a gift. I really can't figure it out, and I don't want to either. Just let it go and admit it. Mom you're right, I don't fucking know HOW you knew but you did. AMEN sister. Lucia, I owe you that much.
7.) You gotta enjoy the simple things.
We live in fast paced and high tech world. Everything is gotta be something and it's gotta be done fast. Fast food, instant messaging, and so on and so forth. And it's great. Don't get me wrong. I'm not gonna sit here and bash this shit and then secretly go eat a whopper. No I love it, I love every minute of it. Facebook is amazing, AIM got me through highschool and where the fuck would any of us be without the wonder of Google? But I learned that sometimes that simplest shit is the most fun. Playing jenga with some friends. Sitting on a bench and pretending it's a rollercoaster? Reading a book until the wee hours of the morning and your eyes hurt. Dancing in the middle of CVS because the song you just heard was amazing. Laughing out loud no matter where you are. It's such simple things that can make life so much more enjoyable.
8.) Don't be afraid to look stupid
Next time you're in a store browsing around, start singing a really popular and catchy song outloud and see if a stranger will join in with you. If it happens both of you will feel amazing. Trust me I do it all the time and it's a great feeling. When a middle aged woman starts singing HOT STUFF with you, or the old man in the next aisle joins the chorus of New York New York, yeah that shits awesome. Don't be afraid to talk to strangers either. Some of them won't be so open to the experience but some will be, and you can have a great conversation. I call them ONE SHOT FRIENDS. Like that person next to you on the eight hour flight. Go ahead talk to them. At the foodcourt, you see that guy eating alone, go sit at the table with him. You see that old lady eating an apple. "Is that Lady Smith apples? I love those! So much better than Granny smith. If you live your life worried about what other people are going to think, you'll never have fun. Most of you who know me, know I don't know the meaning of shame. And wouldn't you say that for the most part I'm having a pretty damn good time in life? Just ask my boss Kathy.
9.) Gum with sugar give you diabetes, gum without sugar gives you cancer.
DAMN YOU ASPARTMEN or how ever you spell it. I'm sorry but I stopped caring a long time ago. This kinda goes back to a couple of other things I learned or discused. Like don't worry about death. But so many people have become with this stuff. DId you know that if you use purell too often you MORE likely to catch a cold than someone who doesn't? Let your bodies get colds. Don't be afraid of germs. It's so much better for you. Don't read the labels on your gum. It's GUM! Chew it because it tastes good and it gets rid of your funk. Gum is not good at all, so stop trying to pick a better gum. All day long I hear parents say "Honey make sure you get sugarfree gum, I don't want you eating too much sugar." or "Honey don't get that sugar free gum, it's got aspartain in it. It gives you cancer." Let the damn kid chew gum. If i die it ain't gonna be because I chew Cinnamin Orbit. "Well...studies have shown." Yeah studies show a lot of things. Lack of sleep causes obesity. Ok, so am I fat because I didn't sleep as a kid. Sure why not, it might have something to do with all that pasta too. But let's blame the sleep. Ohhhhh wait. Genetics too. Genetics and lack of sleep. Oh and that aspartian.....oh....and high fructose corn syrup too. And did you know cellphones cause tumors? Yep....and microwaves make you sterile. And an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Dentists invented gum ya know. This pill will make you happy, but you might get diarrhea. Don't take laxatives and sleeping pills at the same time. I'm sorry now this lesson is just a rant.
So those are a few of the big lessons. Yes some of them overlap, yes some of them aren't really lessons but it's what came to mind. It's profound and it works for me. I try my best to remember these things, and do what i can to promote these lessons. I hope you enjoyed LOL and any other suggestions for future blogs are more than welcome.