random before-bed thoughts

Oct 18, 2011 23:39

1. Scheduling teaching observations is difficult! Here is a rundown of how things are going.


Me: Supervisor, I would like to invite you to come in and observe me one week from now!
Supervisor: *cricket* *cricket*


Supervisor: Thanks for the invitation! I'm all booked up for this week but I'll let send you an email with dates when I am available!
Me: It's okay, I didn't plan a whole cool lesson and everything... *sad face*


Supervisor: Oh hello! This week I am available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. All day Thursday!
Me: OMG I will take Thursday. No really. I am calling Thursday. Thursday at 10am, so, you know, don't make any other plans or anything.
Supervisor: *silence*


Supervisor: Oh, looks like I have a meeting this Thursday! Let me try to reschedule and I'll let you know if I can do it.
Me: OH HELLS NO oh wait I actually don't even know what I'm teaching Thursday so maybe that's okay. BUT NO REALLY I THOUGHT I CALLED THURSDAY GUYS.

Yeah, that's pretty much been my experience so far.

2. I am getting over food poisoning! Or some kind of stomach virus that's going around J.'s house. Or something. I don't know what it is but I threw up every hour for most of Saturday, followed by incredible pain in every single one of my joints (starting at my back and radiating through my entire body), followed by being extremely tired. The past two days were characterized by feeling mostly better but still extremely tired and nutrient-deprived. My real hunger came at almost exactly 4:30am last night, when I woke up and was suddenly so hungry I was pretty sure I was going to eat the whole bed. I was actually so weak from hunger that I didn't know if I could get downstairs where the food was. But I couldn't go back to sleep because I was TOO HUNGRY. So I stumbled downstairs and ate a cookie. Needless to say, tonight I'm sleeping with a can of peanuts by my bed for instant hunger gratification.

There's more news, but did I mention I'm extremely tired? We'll talk more later. Also I promise I am still working on the 30-day meme; this entry involves thinking of 30 different things, and so far I can only come up with 26, and even that's taken me a couple weeks. I'll get there.
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