My clients are always entertaining.

Oct 26, 2011 21:49

For those of you who aren't aware, I'm a care provider for individuals with disabilities. Here is a quote from today's work with J., and one from another, G., a couple weeks ago.

Me: J., do you want to tell me a story?
J.: I'll tell you a story.
Me: Okay! Start with "once upon a time".
J.: Once upon a time there was a bear.
Me: What was the bear doing?
J.: Cracking me up!
Me: Okay...was there anyone else besides the bear?
J.: There was a pig on the bear.
Me: On the bear?
J.: On the bear.
Me: What else?
J.: There was a goat on the bear.
Me: What were the pig and the goat doing?
J.: They were hopping around.
Me: How did the story end?
J.: Happily.
Me: Ever?
J.: After.

And, to sign off for the night, some wise words from G.:

G: Florence...I would never call you a pickle.

PS-I got the official 1:1 position with G. and am saying goodbye to my subbing days! I now get paid $2 more per hour to do exactly what I was already doing. :-P His annual IP (Individual Plan; basically his goals for the year) meeting is coming up, and I get to help formulate goals for him. It's given me an opportunity to bring him out of his shell and have a very illuminating conversation with him about his opinions (which he is extremely shy about expressing and I'm looking forward to helping him grow in the coming year! I know that by the next IP meeting I'll be able to help him be a stronger, more independent, more expressive young man.
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