The rise and fall of a Western-facing balcony garden

Aug 06, 2016 11:05

In other news, the garden suffered the last two weeks. Dearly.

We had terrible, oppressive heat and soil-draining rains that took their toll. Especially on the tomato plants. This morning I went out and picked some of the fruits and then pruned, pruned, pruned. To my horror, I also discovered one pepper leaf and a few basil leaves on one plant had leaf miners. So I immediately picked the leaves and doused with neem oil spray. I hate the fungus, but I dread the leaf miners.

At least the plants are still producing tomatoes and peppers. (Oh, the leeks were glorious! I made a quiche with them and asparagus).

If I recall correctly, it was this time last year that the problems arose. So perhaps I just need to accept the limitations of a Western-facing balcony that place heat and sun stressors on the plants. Or the NYC summer weather.

Next year I think I will plant fewer plants and fertilize more. Maybe get tomato-specific fertilizer.

At any rate, here's a clickable thumbnail to my flickr album with photos from today, post-pruning.


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