Garden week four

May 15, 2016 18:20

So I labelled everything "week "four" to have consistency going forward. This photographing and logging into the "Homegrown" app every week might seem tedious. But it wasn't until I looked at the photos afterward that I realized how much some of the plants have shot up! In particular, all of the tomato types and both carrots.

I also planted some basil from seed and after seeing nothing for weeks I wrote it off. But yesterday there was evidence of germination! So that's exciting.

I sprayed some neem oil after all the rain and we had a week of sunshine. So that probably also helped to keep the tomatoes and peppers from getting fungus.

I've also added some new plants to the mix. Regular and garlic chives, nasturtiums, orange mint, and a bed containing marigolds, cilantro and calendula. These are my "decoy"plants that I hope will minimize bad bug infestation and draw in good bugs like bees and ladybugs (ladybirds for you brits).

We've eaten some of the lettuce. The first leaves were bitter, but after that quite yummy. And I put some of the peppermint into tea today. They leaves had a mild minty taste, but smelled lovely.

See flickr for the full photo set, sorted in date order by plant type!

And for reference, that now makes the whole garden list:
* Leeks
* Danver 126 carrots
* Little Finger carrots
* Variagated mint
* Chocolate mint
* Orange mint
* Green leaf lettuce
* Husky Cherry Tomatoes
* Green Bell Peppers
* Gypsy Sweet Peppers
* Jalapeño Peppers
* Celebrity Tomatoes
* Park's Whopper Improved Tomatoes
* Basil
* Cilantro
* Durango Red Marigolds
* Yellow Marigolds
* Calendula
* Nasturtiums

garden2016, picspam

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