Courtney Love and hats off to Saturday (picspam)

May 13, 2012 15:32

So I went with my friend K to see Courtney Love's Art Show in Chelsea yesterday.

We'd gone out for drinks Friday evening and were looking for something free and interesting to do on a Saturday.

Courtney's art was "interesting", if a bit repetitive. It's clear she's using it to work out some daemons (something I am well in support of doing through art). She has a light touch with the hand, but a heavy touch with her messages. The art has the kind of sledgehammer quality of her personality. Each piece had a drawing of herself, in some kind of pose that was either sexualized, victimized, or with doll-like innocence. Scribbled over them were words - poetry, words of rage, words about relationships, lovers, body image, aspects of fame. And there was also a bit of humor, albeit largely cynical and/or black.

We met up afterwards with my friend SM and frobisher (who came after the Love discussion). SM and I I felt very much like she's got all these competing people inside her who can't seem to integrate. That she grew up with mixed messages, said f*ck you to expectations, but never quite lost the sense that deep inside might be a "good girl" if only she'd comply/had fewer drugs/dated kinder men/etc. Here are a few pictures I found online, as I didn't feel comfortable taking photos myself.

K remarked that it seemed more integrated, and resembled her music in Hole that had elements of pretty melodies with a punk aesthetic. I could see her point, but SM and I still disagreed with her.

I priced one of the few drawings that appealed to me enough to consider hanging it on a wall at home. It was $12,000, so, so much for that idea. I'm sure there are rich fans and supportive friends who will buy some of her stuff. And a lot of people who will dismiss her efforts as using her celebrity status for money now that her daughter has control of the Cobain estate due to financial problems. There's no question Courtney has problems. And Frances Bean may in fact have a better handle on managing the estate and his image for all I know. But I once knew someone who was friends with Courtney who gave me a perspective of kindness regarding her suffering. So if she's trying to make money through art, well, I can think of far worse things one can do with their time.

Speaking of art, K has been thinking of ways to make her flat more homely (I'd suggested plants), and it's gotten me thinking about how to spruce up my own place. "I'd like more whimsy" I told her. To which she responded that if there was one thing my flat is NOT lacking, it's whimsy.

I'm thinking of finding pegs for all my hats. Only I'd like something with an interesting shape that I can paint over, such that when the hat isn't on the peg, it's still interesting to look at. Let me know if you have ideas, flistees!

Here is the hat I *finally* got to wear yesterday after a very long project period.


soulsister101 and I went on a scavenger hunt in 2010 and I purchased the hat at a Halloween costume shop with the intent of customizing it. I was inspired by
this costume from the Mighty Boosh episode "Fountain of Youth".

and Noel Fielding in turn was very clearly inspired by this outfit of Graham Parsons
of the Flying Burrito Brothers.

But I also wanted something to go with the white Desigual coat I bought also in 2010.

Anyway, long story short (too late, I know), after much debate over how to do it (paint? Bedazzle affix felt cut-outs? Fabric markers?) in 2011 drfardook and I were wandering around the east village one weekend afternoon and I spotted some iron-ons. So he bought them for me. Then last month I actually got round to ironing them on (putatively as part of a birthday outfit that never happened due to weather). Right, so here I am yesterday in the sun, wearing my "new" hat, what now needs a peg. It was so warm and sunny, I wound up not needing my coat until much later in the day.


The whole day was lovely and relaxing. And today I'm at home cleaning and LJing and other assorted things. I hope those of you in the States who are mothers or have mothers they cherish, have a happy mother's day. And super hugs to those who are feeling the loss of theirs.

boosh, picspam

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