Weekend! And Happy Birthday Noel Fielding

May 21, 2012 20:06

How are you, flist? I had a lovely weekend. We had picture perfect weather in NYC. I went to Long Island and spent the day with my brother, SiL, and the little ones.

I used the opportunity to learn how to take "action shots" with my SLR camera during the kids' soccer games. Here are a few.

Jenna shows me her collage of Katy Perry and then I wow'd her with the videos I took when I met Russell Brand

She's got the ball!

Stationed at the goal post while the rest of the family watches from the sidelines

Steven blocks the ball from the goal zone

And then takes control of the ball on the other side of the field

Posing with the dog. Pity it came out blurry but I kinda like it anyway

Oh, and I took this photo with my iPhone the night BEFORE the supermoon. Retouched in iPhoto

Here is a link to the entire set.

Then on Sunday I went to brunch with frobisher, bought some CDs, and had my mini photography class. There will be an exhibit of the class' work in June. So now I have the task of choosing photos for it, specifically ones that show off what we learned. I might do some cooking and practice my food photography. Then again, I might just focus on the cats. :-P

Last but definitely NOT least, today is Noel Fielding's 39th birthday. I couldn't let the day go by without posting something. But I'll spare you all and leave the gushing for tumblr. ;-)

So here's a "birthday song" he did for his solo television efforts. The character is called Ghost of a Flea, based on the portrait by William Blake. Suitably odd, I hope you enjoy.

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boosh, picspam

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