
Aug 13, 2005 13:52

Took daughter to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night--was largely unimpressed. Definitely got the same "What theme park is working on the Wonka ride?" vibe mehitobel_ny mentioned to me. However my problem concentrating on the movie had less to do with the quality of said movie, but the fact I was subjected to one of the most disturbing movie trailers I have ever seen.
What could it have been? After all this was before a "kiddie movie"! Couldn't have been some gory horror flick, or dumb cartoon featuring rude farm animals (there was one of those, actually). No, this was the preview of....
Pride and Prejudice.
Keira Knightley.

Has there ever been an actress less suitable to play Elizabeth Bennett? I'd rather go see Whoopi Goldberg in that role!

From what it looks like in this delightful preview, Lizzy and Darcy will spend two hours shouting at each other. Yes, exactly like in the book. Except not.

I know it seems silly but I can't get the absolute horror of the thing out of my head.

I must, must pop in the A&E video tonight and attempt to cleanse my palate.
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