The best of both worlds.

Aug 11, 2005 17:34

Because it's just too good, reposted from good_eats thanks to starrchilde :

On that subject, after the ABC tribute to Peter Jennings last night *cry*, I turned on FoodTV to see what Good Eats was up to. It wasn't--they were re-running the All Star Kitchen Makeover that I'd purposely not watched when it was on this past weekend. Yeah, yeah AB "designs" a kitchen (except he doesn't) for this absolute cow of a woman who won the contest because she sent in a video tape featuring a 2 second shot from an "oven cam".

This "too small and cramped" kitchen was at least 3 times the size of mine (and many others I've been in.) In one shot AB and the bitch did this gay "linked arms" dance around the kitchen to demonstrate how "awkward" it was for more than one person to try to cook in there. Well excuuuuse me. No one could dance in my kitchen and two people can't even fit in there at the same time, let alone cook!

This "outdated" kitchen featured a newish gas range with nice heavy burners--not a pitted, uneven tippy glass-topped unreliable piece of crap 20 year old bottom of the line GE. (Time out here to excuse the oven part of this monstrosity, which is actually very reliable, heats evenly and maintains temp spot on.)

The reason this kitchen was chosen, I'm guessing was because, as AB said (slipped, I bet) "there's a lot of room here and a lot to work with!"

Right JUST the sort of kitchen that deserves a free do-over. Not one that actually NEEDS help, one that's roomy and accommodating.


But honestly, I could have dealt with all that. What really finished me on this absolute bitch was towards the end of the show they all went shopping for groceries to cook a meal that would 'break in' the new kitchen. During the trip AB was stopped several times by other customers and asked for autographs. Now I've seen AB with his fans and he goes out of his way to make each one feel welcome and like he truly appreciates them. We saw him sign a couple of items, and talk to a little girl in the supermarket between picking up items with Ms. Bitch when all of a sudden we're treated to a shot (cut off very quickly) of AB finishing up an autograph and apparently talking to the fan and this incredible COW who's had all this exclusive time with him and gotten a FREE several thousand dollar kitchen (Hell, AB had even driven to the supermarket!) snaps, "We're busy here!"

I absolutely could not believe it. If I was a Food Network producer, I'd have ordered a bulldozer through that new kitchen before the witch made it home with her parsley for her herb biscuits. Oh yeah, AB tells her she's going to make herb biscuits and he's going to make his "famous meatballs". Asks her what she wants in the way of herbs. She says, "Parlsey."

This woman is a private chef and the best she can come up with for herbage is fucking parsley?

Stupid cow.
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