
Aug 13, 2005 13:52

Took daughter to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night--was largely unimpressed. Definitely got the same "What theme park is working on the Wonka ride?" vibe mehitobel_ny mentioned to me. However my problem concentrating on the movie had less to do with the quality of said movie, but the fact I was subjected to one of the most disturbing movie ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

jollityfarm August 13 2005, 20:07:56 UTC
Is it me, or does Keira Knightley play the precise same "feisty, sassy grrl" in every single film she's in? She'll doubless be the same as she was in Pirates..., period costume and all :( Although maybe the trailer was just highlighting the feisty bits so as to not disappoint the Keira fans who just came for the girl power.

I seem to recall that there was another movie made of an Austen novel (Mansfield Park?) that made my cousin K, Austen aficionado, weep tears of blood. Still, that's fandom for you - your Austen fans still can't manage the dizzy heights of HP :)


gillieweed August 13 2005, 21:07:46 UTC
Oh, God, Mansfield Park! I went to visit a friend for the weekend a while back and we rented it based on a "recommendation" like your friend's. We were yelling and throwing things at the screen by the end.

It's not you, I guess the line now is, "Get me GurlPowah! Get me Knightly! Or maybe she's sold her soul to the devil and will forever be the only actress ever again allowed to play any character named "Elizabeth" in any costume drama ever made ever again.


try wearing a corset! merrymelody September 12 2005, 13:28:29 UTC
Keira Knightley = Sarah Michelle Gellar = Emma Watson.
They're all inept at acting, plus they have, liek, gurl power!11!


dphearson August 14 2005, 09:49:55 UTC
I reads an article about P&P in The Times ( London), in their Culture section.

Apparently, what the filmmakers are going for a 'more gritty, more realistic' adaptation of P&P. They will emphasise the grime, the messiness of living in the English countryside at the turn of the 18th century. Oh, and they intend to move teh action back ten years, because the director does not like Regency dresses- they make everyone look like 'balloons'.


This is not going to be a good film, for many reasons:

1) Although P&P is a wonderful, realistic novel- the observations of people in their element is dead on- it is also a comedy. A comedy, about two rather unremarkable people whose charms and goodness are revealed gradually to each other. Yes, money is very much at stake here; that does not mean that the Bennet family is any less funny ( ... )


gillieweed August 14 2005, 17:43:06 UTC
It did look filthy. And the Bennett house would make an ideal Snape...er...estate. Actually it might have made a good "Burrow" it was that bad.


Oh, this is going to be just awful!


dphearson August 14 2005, 23:50:54 UTC
Actually, I was thinking that the description of the house in the film would be dead on for the Burrow!

But still, during that time period, there were dissolute gentry who lived in relative filth, but becaus eof name and connection, they were welcomed in homes. What teh filmmakers are being coy about is the fact that society is run on connection and money, an dthat it is perfectly ridicolous and limiting- which is what the BBC version did so well.


gillieweed August 15 2005, 00:33:28 UTC
Although mill-owned rowhouse!Snape is now canon, I really have no trouble seeing him rattling around in something like this version of Bennett house:

... )


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