a White Wedding

Apr 22, 2010 20:40

 ok so elfin_miss as everyone knows is the GODDESS of manips. so i asked her to try to make one of this Vouge photo i love so much. and.... she did! IT'S SO MUCH AWESOMES!!!

here it is for your oogling pleasure. yes i am a sappy spuffy addict. shutup! *blushes *

is not awesomes?????!?!? is it strange that i the girl who almost never wears fru fru things wants this dress???? oh and it would be neat to have spike on my arm to
sorry i couldnt find this photo in a better quality!!!  oh also i got London Calling today for 7 bucks! bless walmart's evil little heart 

manip, squee, elfin_miss, mwhahahahaha, spuffy., happy

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