a White Wedding

Apr 22, 2010 20:40

 ok so elfin_miss as everyone knows is the GODDESS of manips. so i asked her to try to make one of this Vouge photo i love so much. and.... she did! IT'S SO MUCH AWESOMES!!!

here it is for your oogling pleasure. yes i am a sappy spuffy addict. shutup! *blushes *

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manip, squee, elfin_miss, mwhahahahaha, spuffy., happy

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Comments 11

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gigi_tastic April 23 2010, 01:18:20 UTC
i know! hey so i tried to call you tonight. i just left a message because you didnt pick up


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gigi_tastic April 23 2010, 01:36:41 UTC
oh sorry! i had no idea when you went to work!


tokiohotelsucks April 23 2010, 02:08:37 UTC
That manip is so prettyful. <3


gigi_tastic April 23 2010, 02:22:05 UTC
isn't it??? elfin_miss did a great job as always


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gigi_tastic April 23 2010, 02:23:13 UTC
heh ok so randy candy kinda sucks
to me at least


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