Alphabet soup

Apr 24, 2010 16:00

 So i said i would make this a while ago and i just never got around to it.. mainly because i'm lazy and my muse has gone to boca. bitch.

so anyway  i give  you:

the ABC'S of Angel

A is for...

B is for...

C is for...

D is for...

E is for... 

F is for...

G is for...
H is for...

I is for...

J is is for...

K is for...

L is for..
M is for...
N is for...
O is for...
P is for..
Q is for..

R is for..
S is for..
T is for..
U is for...
V is for..
W is for..
X is for...
Y is for...
Z is for...

you know what? i'm to lazy to do this right now so i give you.. poofy the vampire slayer!!!!!!!!!!!! mad tv buffy and mad tv angel. have fun!

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fun, abc, angel, lazyness, naughty, funny

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