Apr 04, 2007 14:13
she told me that she was talking to her english teacher - and they said a paragraph should be no more than 5 sentences long.
and i also noticed changes in my english - no one really cares if you use the word I or you...as long as you get the point across or present your case. Sure research papers i don't use it - but if there's a paper that i need to use the word you in - i'm gonna damn well do it! because THE TEACHER DOESN'T CARE! oh my goodness...
I also payed attention to how my previous education affects me now. Yes it did develop my skills on how to learn and deal with homework and such. But what i learned really hasn't helped me in any of my classes.
Math helped me because i don't need to work so hard to get concepts, except i can just add to them.
and comm. arts helped build my writing skills. yes they did have their stupid rules of a certain amount of sentences in each paragraph or not using certain words. but in reality - if they didn't have those stupid annoying rules and dock major points lord knows high school students wouldn't have a decent paragraph. and they would constantly use the word you because that is what makes life easy. and lazy becuse lord knows most high schoolers dont' really care..
and those paragraphs you had to add bullshit sentences too - it did unfortunaetly kind of help because in college (at least for me) it's been more on lenght. and even though it's really easy to get a 3 page paper out of your butt. i think part of that reason was being use to 13 sentense paragraghs, and adding and lenghing things that doesn't necessarily need to be lengthened.
all and all i think comm. arts did help me even though their dumb rules don't apply in college. but what about the rest of the education:
I understand knowing about the past is important, but honestly i got jack shit outta 20th century. And i'm not gonna lie -i felt really dumb during my race in america class when i didn't know what the fruity the jim crow laws were. --- when everyone else knew from their high school years.
to get to my point.
the Education system needs to be better set and better organized. all middle schools and high schools and all of that need to cover certain items. I know they all have certain requirements in each grade level within a district, but the entire U.S. needs to get on a system.
It's not fair that i had a better math background then a lot of people..
but yet everyday skills i did not possess.
Granted knowning the jim crow laws won't make me a better pilot just the system needs to be made a little better.
Better schools, safer schools.
ones where students can learn, not ones where you have full fledged metal detectors, and locked doors at all times, where one classroom can hear a teacher and students screaming at each other from across the school.
I know i'm babbling a lot about this...and i'm sorry - but i've just been thinking
Ultimately, why do they have high school if it doesn't really prepare you for college?!
At this point i'm thinking it's so students can experience different sections of a school figureing out what they like most to help them decide on what they want in the future.
Because as of right now - i can't say high school really helped me at all - hell i don't even remember what classes i took, all i know is it's not really helping me..
maybe it's just because i'm in a weird profession that most high schools do don't really anything with.
anyone have any imput?! or comments?