Oct 15, 2008 22:27
From an educational view it looks like another 4 years of the same tired unworking educational plans. Reform, teacher accountablity, vouchers, etc from both candidates. Neither candidate offered anything new on the educational front though to be faire Senator Obama came closer than Senator McCain to making a revolutionary observation. Mr. Obama at least acknowledged parents need to do more. But neither candidate stated we need more teachers across the board and lower the student teacher ratio.
This year I have two classes I teach, both six grade social studies. The first class is Advanced Placement, 29 students, high reading abilitty, supposedly every student is identified as college bound. The second class is 15 students lower reading ability, these student struggle with their studies more. Ironic though the class of 15 is out performing the class of 29. They turn their homework in consistantly, they are engaged in the subject matter, whereas the AP class can follow along at a greater pace they are not as engaged and the number of the students in the classroom acts a distractor to the other students.Just due to the class size.
I anxiously await the day a politician says hay lets legally put a cap limit on class size. Ideally 16-20 students, and get rid of ranking students as AP or needs....Let's force mainstreaming and smaller classes.