Aug 18, 2008 00:09
Well I made it back from first question who the fuck was in France, it seemed all the French were in London. I had a wonderful trip!!! Many a thanks to Yevgeniy for asking (insisting) I come visit, and for hosting me.
I saw many sights upclose and in detail some of my favorites were The Tower, Westminster Abbey, Southwark Cathedral, and All Hallows Church. I was less impressed by St Paul's Cathedral. but the awesomeness place was Hampton Court Palace. Standing in a fireplace is something else and there were four of them in the Kitchen courtesy of Elizabeth the First, and racing Yev in the rain in the maze was fun too.
I did some unusual things like the London beer festival. I had a great Oyster Stout and a really lousy Belgian Lambic. Movies are expensive $20.00 a ticket. I didn't ride the London Eye because it costs 25 pounds which is $50 USD. So it wasn't worth it. I was at the Tomb of Mary Queen of Scotland in Westminster Abbey when they did the Lords Prayer. It was too cool. The Tower of London is haunted it decided It liked my baseball cap and ate it... I couldn't find it in the fusiliers museum where it must have come loose from my bag. So I am imagining one of the ghosts took a fancy to it and now wears it while resting from their ghostly duties.
Any way tomorrow I start student teaching I feel ready and unprepared at the same time... but I plan on succeeding. I'll keep you posted.