So a new year has finally come. The holidays passed without any big incidents. I survived them. That's all.
Christmas was nothing like it used to. My dad left a big hole when he left us. There was an empty seat by the table.
But then again the undertaker who helped us burry my dad said something that is so true; there is only a brief moment when your a child when all the people you love is there around you but as you get older they leave you one by one. It's a part of life.
I learned something in all of this; to never ever wait to do anything. My dad did that. He always talked about doing so much after he retired.
He never got the chance.
So I will not do that.
So I made one promise to myself as 2009 became 2010; to stop caring so much about what other people think. And just do whatever I feel like doing, what feels right for me. And stop talking about what I want to do and just do it.
During this year I will:
- Join a gym ( have already done that...)
- Learn how to drive and get my licence.
- Got to the US to visit my sister.
Some random stuff:
- Of all the books I finished reading during the passed year two books stood out;
The Road by Cormac Mccarthy and The Memory Keeper's daughter by Kim Edwards. Both books made me cry in different ways.
The first one because of the dark and horrible look at the future and the second because of the sorrow you feel for all the characters in the book. Read them if you get the chance.
- Favorite tv-shows of the passed year. Well, of the new once...I have to say...Cougar Town and Community. The rest I do not care for that much. Looking forward to 24 to start again...I need my Jack Bauer fix and he needs to get together with Reené. I couldn't get into Vampire diary or Glee. Vampire diary...Well, I found all the character...well too beautiful LOL...And not broken enough for me...And Glee..all the singing...I wanted to slap somebody...
- I found the films of the last year to not be the greatest. Well, there wasn't that many that stayed with me, that's all I'm saying.
But maybe just two...The Weather Girl
click for trailer and Wuthering Heights
click for trailer. The first one I loved because of the girl in me and the love story and the second ripped out my heart.
- I finally got my invite to
Voddler. It's an excellent program and I just hope they will add more movies soon. Now I have both Spotify ( for music ) and Voddler ( for movies ) so I'm all set for a rainy day...;)