[OOC] HMD//Plotting//Logs

Aug 12, 2030 23:49

All feedback is welcome and desired. Zhuggers here is one of the most challenging characters I've attempted, and whether I'm doing it right or wrong, I want to know.

A note on canon: I'm playing the Red Cliff Zhuge Liang, a milder, kinder sort than his Romance of the Three Kingdoms portrayal, younger and less aloof than the Dynasty Warriors character. Still, they're all essentially the same man. If you have something to say and your basis for comparison is another canon, say it anyway! I'll listen.

A note on Chineseness: Zhuge Liang is a Chinese semi-historical folk hero; I'm not Chinese. I really do not want to be stepping on the toes of anyone's heritage here. I'll do my darnest with my research, but if I commit any sort of horrid culturefail, please let me know that I may correct it.

1. Fourth wall breakage: Yes, yes, and yes again.

2. Threadjacking, back-tagging: Very welcome.

3. Romance: Wow. IDEK. Try it I guess, hilarity will ensue. Zhuggers is generally a guarded person physically, he won't initiate a hug, but he's a nice guy and if you insist he'll hug you back.

4. Fighting: He's fragile you guys. Hitting him will only result in him getting hit. No supernatural powers, either. Which is to say he's useless and you may feel free to assume your character can pwn him if it comes to an actual confrontation.
Then again, he's really really good with fire-based tactics.

5. Maiming/disfigurement/killed off for real: If planned in advance, sure why not. What are muns for if not for plotalicious cruelty?

AIM: lightsarestars
Email: lofmanythings@gmail.com
OOC journal: umbralpilot, used very sparsely so you might not want to bother.
Otherwise: I really do respond best to PMs.

Hawk (crimson_seeker): Possibly Huo's closest friend in the Sphere, a friendship that began with mutual pinging, was built through exploration and adventures and endured all those goddamn dragons. He's comfortable and honest around Hawk and trusts him a great deal, as well as continuously bothered by being unable to give him any good answers on the questions that bother them both regarding those goddamn dragons again. Also they're slashy as hell there I've said it. Ping: Zhao Yun, though not strongly.

Stellaris (lingeringlegacy): A fascinating woman, she has knowledge that Huo fiercely craves and a clear-headed intelligence that he greatly respects. A good friend and a good working partner; he only wishes her superior technological savvy didn't make him feel inadequate.

Sumi (sumi_eight): A fellow intellectual, Huo considers her an honored teacher - she even gets an honorific for it - and good company when in the mood to enjoy finer things, like tea and debate. Someone to respect but also impress... and perhaps even flirt with. Ping: His wife, Huang Yueying. Why yes it's as awkward as it sounds.

Smoke (inthecenterfold): has been a great help around Huo's "birth" and helped him get his job at the Farm, for which he's quite grateful. They're not exactly of matching temperaments, but Huo still appreciates Smoke and likes him.

Youth (spandexisyouth): Having talked on the journals some, Huo finds Youth's enthusiasm... well, charming is about the right word. He likes outwards people like that. Someone to get to know better.

Krile (feathered_earth): They're only casual acquaintances, but mostly because Huo is resolved not to pursue the whole dragon!Krile thing. No no no. But he's still intensely curious about her, and fond of her in a casual way besides.

Mindelan (of_mindelan): was only an acquaintance when Huo decided to trust her with something incredibly important - a name he couldn't read. She didn't know the writing and that suited him just fine, but he's still been vaguely stalking her ever since, trying to decide what to do.

Cloud (iattractmushi): Awkward city! since Huo found Cloud's body when Apostle murdered him. Unfinished business that way. Since Cloud's return, Huo has decided that he rather likes him, but seriously how do you build a friendship on that kind of basis. WTF.

Tian (dragonking): ... ohgod.

Note: Some of these were never properly played out because I haitused suck. But they're here for the record anyway.

Welcome to Edensphere!: Huo is 'born', gets along splendidly with Yachiru. Who'da thought?
First meeting: with Rabbit. Also with coffee.
Meeting Amurui: via Smoke, talking farming job. TheirloveissoZen.
Huo & Dragon!Krile: AWKWARD!
Dragontiems with Krile, take two: Nope, still awkward.
Koto jam: Being artsy with Composer.
Exploring Frost Mountain: with Stellaris and Hawk. Mmm lembas.
Debate club #1: Huo does Confusionism. Featuring Composer, Lea, Sumi and Handmaiden.
Thestral riding: with Hawk in Wilderness!Hogwarts. I'm on a (flying) horse.
Anatomy lessons: with Sumi. Yeah. That's right.
Murder witness shenanigans: with Smoke, Gray and the Watch. Apostle's a dick.
Talking dragons: while sleep-deprived. Fuck yeah Emperor Hawk!
Medical shenanigans: with Composer. Recovering from post-study-coma.
Sins event #1 with Sumi. Curiouser and curiouser.
Sins event #2: with Stellaris. Good angsty times.
Chronicles of the escaped Haro: Featuring 00, who's got big balls.
Camping: with Hawk. Aborted angst. Sigh.
Random camp stuff: featuring Fred, Paladin, Daitou and Juhani.
Discovering Koei: in the arcade Wilderness. Seriously. Featuring poor poor Mindelan.
Zombies!barricade: with Krile, Apple, Daitou, Amurui and Lix. This is the famous combine log, you guys. Respect.
Building an army: of farming machines, with Stellaris. Strategy!
HUO HATES DRAGONS SRSLY: but he loves Hawk's house. Bromance get!

[With any number of apologies if I'm using any of them wrong!]

Being Chinese, Huo uses Chinese honorifics. Which are unfortunately all off the internet and manhua, but I try. So, a quick guide to what I'll be using, from least too most familiar:

Shì: Someone you've never actually met or spoken to.
Gōng and jī: Literally 'duke' and 'princess'; terms for nobility. More 'dono' than 'sama'. (Grift got this one, but that was me being stupid.)
Dàren and fūrén: Great respect, but not official titles. Krile gets this because holy shit dragon.
Xiānshēng: Professional, doctor, someone in a position. The judges, senior medics, Guard and Watch captains will get this.
Lăoshī: Teacher, wise man; more 'professor' than 'sensei'. Sumi might get this.
Qiánbeì: For one's seniors in a profession. Roughly 'sempai'. Amurui will get this. Apple too if he insists.
Nushi: Female-only equivalent of 'san'. Respectful but casual. Stellaris got this on their first meeting.
Guì: Prefix (as in "guì-NAME"), "the honored", slightly-more-respectful equivalent of 'san'.
Jūn and gūniang: Respectful friendship; a bit closer than 'san'. Male and female respectively. Hawk, Stellaris and others whom Huo considers friends get this.
ā: Intimate friendship, literally 'dear'. Closer than 'kun' or 'chan', for which there's no proper equivalent.

There are about a bajillion more, but a lot of them refer to age or marital status, which are unknown in the Sphere so Huo errs on the side of caution. Also in the interests of not being too confusing OOC. Yeah.

If you spot culturefail, please whack me over the head with it.

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IP logging off.
Comment to plot. DOOOO IIIIIIIIIIT.


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