尾声 - epilogue

Nov 02, 2011 22:14

Warmest greetings to the freed people of Edensphere.

This humble soul, humbled now twice over, begs leave to offer his farewell wishes to you all, and be known to you by his proper name; which is Zhuge Huo, styled Zhirui.

Although I am well aware, now, of my own measure and the ways in which it has been found wanting - although I know that there is a task for me back in my world, which requires that I discard the lessons of this world - it is my intention to remain here, and live in the way that I have learned here, and been bettered by; of true bonds, trust and honor, humility and hope. Perhaps, since I am given my life, now, to learn and come to know these as one born to them, I shall someday truly be wise.

Sincerely, I offer my prayers of safe journeys and good fortune in all your endeavors, in all of your homes, in the hope that they be accepted, if not from the man that I was, then from the man that I hope to become.
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