[Salyssa] she's having the time of her death

Dec 09, 2010 17:33

This is amazing. Everything is going right.

My previous research into the polymorphing properties of the worgen curse turned out to be useless, but the books I acquired from the Keep before it "changed hands" are priceless. They've accellerated my work profoundly, to the point of catching the attention of Apothecary Meredith and other senior Apothecarium members. Interestingly, I've discovered that there is a difference in the body chemistry between the "wild" worgen and the Gilneans who have recovered their wits. It's a subtle change, but I'm working hard to isolate it. Figure out how to reverse that, and Gilneas will be ours, as all the Gilneans revert to "wild" worgen, unable to plan or mount a coherent defense. I have actually been assigned two junior apothecaries to assist me! I'll have to keep a close eye on them, of course. I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate if they found an opportunity to backstab me, especially if it advanced their own careers. I certainly didn't when I was in their place.

I am now officially and legally undead! I've been given a lovely scroll to show to anybody who asks. Now I can give up the pretense of breathing entirely.

Haven't seen the Doctor since he came back from his "vacation." He's joined up to fight in... underwater somewhere? I have to admit to being hazy on the details, but from the intermittent conversations we've had through the stone, he's sounded happy. I'm a bit dissapointed that he's not here in the lab with me, but I understand his need to get out and kill things. And I'm hardly going to begrudge his happiness. He'd been so melancholy lately, the change pleases me.

I can't quite shut out the nagging feeling that something is going to go terribly wrong soon. I suspect that's ingrained pessimism more than any kind of foresight. On the other hand, there is an evidently immortal and nearly godlike dragon deliberately trying to break the world apart, and meanwhile setting large chunks of it on fire at random. Perhaps that fills the "something going terribly wrong" quota right there.

abomination, forsaken bureaucracy, something heart-shaped, doc, she has no idea, a dragon did it, deathwing, back to work, worgen, salyssa, science!, death certificate, plaguey funtimes, sal uses big words omg

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