If you can't handle it.. don't read it....

Jun 21, 2006 10:55

How do you look someone in the eyes and tell them exactly how you feel? Is it plausible to tell someone that you've been lusting after them, for what feels like, an eternity? I've always been afraid that I didn't understand my feelings. Do I feel this way because I'm lonely, or do I feel this way because I truly have these feelings for you? And if, in fact, I do have these feelings for you, do you feel the same way, as everyone I come into contact with says? This thing called love is one heck of a topsy-turvy ride, but am I ready to get on?
Love, what is it? Is it the way you feel when you have butterflies in your stomach? Or is it the feeling you get when you see that "special someone"? Is it the feeling you get when you think about that person, and spending the rest of your life together? Or is it a combination of all three? To me, love is the security and trust you feel; the honesty and the laughter, the butterflies in your stomach, and the tears that you've shed. A wise man once told me that thre is no such thing as love if there is no pain involved. Is this true? Does this mean that the person I am going to or do love is going to hurt me? If so, am I strong enough to handle that pain?
Just the other day, Sunday to be exact, I was with some people that I love. I had both friends and family around, when I saw him. The person that I've always known myself to be "in love" with. I never once talk to him this time though, not all day. Oddly enough this didn't seem to phase me; and now I ask myself why.
That very same day I was with a boy. The kind of boy that could make any girls heart melt. We were sitting at a table, quite close may I add, and you could just feal the energy soar. Right at the moment I thought I couldn't handle myself anymore, he looked at me. If I remember corretly there was a slight twinkle in his eye. And then, to my surprise, without saying a word, he grabbed me by the hand, led me to the dance floor, and held me close while time stood still, and we danced to the beat of the music. And then, just like it had began it was over, and there I stood, alone on the floor, just to walk back to the very place I sat moments ago, yet again, extremely close to the boy I had no idea what my feelings were for.
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