Dec 23, 2011 02:48
Ok, yeah, if you don't get that, you are not listening to current country music channels, and that is ok. On one side is my name (in sharpie marker) and on the other it says 'Let's Have a Party'. *sings*Proceed to Party*end singing* Yeah, I know, I said if you don't get it it's because you are not tuned into current country music radio, and I understand that you don't get it, don't harsh my squee, dood.
BEST GIFT SO FAR!!!! The NCIS game my mom found for me. I got a NCIS puzzle too, put the puzzle together and then solve the mystery. The game is a tabletop game. Why to NCIS_LOVE and CHIRUGAL and JAGFAN and all my NCIS friends live so far away? *cries*
The Nicest Giftie so far is (time with my Mom!) a pair of beautiful sapphire rings, one my step-dad bought my mom. So yeah, family heirlooms for Chrimmas. And crying. But it is nice crying, only a little sad.
We have watched movies, not ALL Chrimmas, and eaten a lot of treats and had wine and visited with friends and tomorrow we will have our Christmas dinner (steak) and Saturday will be the traditional Family Christmas Eve and then I have to go home Sunday (weather permitting). We are NOT making a whole turkey dinner for two of us, and since I generally want Turkey on Thanksgiving, that does me for the year and I don't have Holiday Specific Foods for Christmas without which there are RANTS. On the other hand, I like my Chrimmas Baking and Candy Making, so I usually have to have some kind of treats which we have had and so no FoodRants are forthcoming. I know everyone is happy for that.
I am SOFA KING far behind on reading LJ and can't get Failbook to load my games on the remote uplink, which is often borked because Verizon sux has been having issues, so if I missed something, link me, I will get to catch up next week sometime. But I have been busy, well, for values of busy that include napping, shoveling snow, helping mom with her bookwork, napping, braving the snow covered roads to get groceries, napping, opening gifts for the Seven days of Chrimmas, hiding gifts from Mom, napping and eating. Yeah, not missing my online at all. Ok, maybe a bit.
Happy Holidays to all and to all More Pie with Whipped Cream. And Wine. And Cookies. And Candy.
chrimmas giftie