Breakfast: 1 oz of raisins.
Lunch: 1/2 large banana. 1 turkey (approx 3 oz) and American cheese (1 slice) sandwich on two slices of whole wheat bread with lettuce and tomatoes. 1/2 a whole, medium-sized pickle. 5 yogurt-covered raisins. Water.
Dinner: Approx 2 oz of cold-cut turkey slices and 1 slice of American cheese on 1 whole wheat tortilla (with lettuce). 1 Asian pear. 1/2 a really small orange. Water.
Snack 5 raw almonds. 2 thin slices of cold-cut chicken. Water.
Exercise: Daily walking and stair climbing (to and from school). Aside from that, nada.
Diary: I ate lunch pretty late today (around 3 PM) so as you can imagine I was freaking starved. It's probably why I was so damn tired, too. Fell asleep 30-45 minutes later and had a good, long nap.
I decided to look up how many calories were in the pear I ate when I discovered that 1 Asian pear contains 13-15 freaking total carbohydrates! Omg! I haven't been really counting carbs, but I've generally tried to limit carb intake anyway (goal would be less than 100g of complex carbs) by limiting myself to grain-derived carbs 2/3 meals. I should have factored in all the other stuff I was eating, but somehow I just never did! I had a massive freak-out and counted the cals/carbs in everything I ate (pre-after dinner snack). Here are the results:
1 oz raisins: 90 cal, 22g
2/3 medium banana: 70 cal, 18g
1 asian pear: 51 cal, 13g
100g tomato: 16 cal, 3g
1/2 small orange: 22 cal, 5g
1 Whole wheat flour tortilla: 90 cal, 14g
2 slices of whole wheat bread: 140 cal, 24g
3 oz lettuce: 12 cal, 3g
1 medium pickle: 8 cal, 2g
2 oz cold-cut turkey: 60 cal, 0g
2 oz cold-cut chicken: 50 cal, 1g
2 slices of American cheese: 120 cal, 4g
= 729/1500 calories, 109/100g carbs ---> BAD
(actual calories&carbs/desired calories&carbs)
Had I had breakfast, I probably would have at least hit the 1000 calorie mark. And because my breakfast generally consists of either a hard boiled egg or yogurt, 1-2 large fruits, and sometimes raw almonds, it also means that my carb intake for the day would have been through the roof! I don't know what to do. Take now, for instance. I'm still freaking hungry, but I'm too afraid to snack because I've already gone over what should be my daily carb limit. I can't even have a freaking apple because it has so many carbs (I recently discovered). Should I just continue what I've been doing and screw counting carbs? According to what I've eaten today, the majority of my carb intake comes from fruits (and I didn't even eat as many fruits as I sometimes do).
Carbs: 38g from grains, 61g from fruits, 4g from dairy, 5g from vegetables, 1g from poultry
I really do not want to cut down on fruits, though, because sometimes they're the only things keeping me from going into my fridge and grabbing a piece of whatever sweet-of-the-day is in there. Ugh. This is so confusing. I guess I just have to decide whether being totally miserable now will be worth it in the long-run. Not to mention whether I'm even willing to take that risk. For the time being, I re-posted my dilemma to
100pounds2lose. Hopefully the community will help me get a better perspective on this.