Halloween Experience....

Nov 02, 2008 22:26

Everyone is trying to scare themselves silly the past 3 days and I am no exception. From ghost hunting to scary flicks, everyone is simply dying to get a good scare.

Well, I got my own scare last November 1 when we were watching The Grudge, The Grudge 2 and Shutter. While we were watching the flicks during the dead of the night, we heard clicking sounds as if someone was opening the door.

I always keep the door lock when I am watching or sleeping so I know if someone is trying to enter my room.

I ignored it since I thought it was just the "Do-Not-Disturb/Please-Clean-My-Room Hotel Thingie" hitting the door because of the fan.

Then I heard it again. Ignored it.

Heard it again. Moment of silence.

THEN... It kept turning and turning loudly as if someone... or something... wanted to get in.

Then it suddenly stopped. I waited a few more seconds before I decided to continue my shows.

It couldn't have been the maids (as if they would do something like that) because they were asleep already. My parents were also asleep already, remember it was dead of the night, around 1:00 am. What about my brother who wants to scare the living daylights out of me? Well... they were in the room with me.

So who... or what can it be? I dunno. Prank or not it was a good few seconds of horror. Next year, lets see what happens.

Till next year!

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