My Rant for the Season :D

Dec 19, 2008 23:35

If there is one thing that I cant stand during the Christmas break (aside from being bored from time to time) is that I get to see the numerous envelopes with a greeting that says Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from messengers, courier, guards, garbage collector, maintenance, etc. (take your pick).

Seriously from bank messengers to garbage collectors they do the same thing every year. You will probably say: "Ohhh! Benj is a scrooge. No charity in his heart. Charity is bad. [IMC 3SCL, inside joke here :)]"


I don't mind giving, in fact I suggest we show extra charity this time of the year, but I seriously hate it when they cant wait that they have to send envelopes as if it was our obligation to give them. I know Christmas is the season of giving but that giving is something that has to be done freely out of the goodness of the person's heart.

By giving that envelope it kinda says: "Hey! Christmas time! You MUST give me!"

Oh! And the envelope makes it worse! Its like we have to give them cash and only cash as a gift!

Ok. So you let the envelope slide and you decided to give them something. Perhaps a token of appreciation for the hard work. Perhaps several canned goods or maybe a very nice set of face towels. But there are some ingrates who even complain. No don't go telling me it doesn't happen because it does!

I guess there are some who completely forgot what Christmas is all about. To some its not about the spirit giving or sharing but about extra free stuff, baskets of food, new clothes and techs, etc.

But still, at least there are those good guys who just wait and are grateful for whatever they get. :D I tip my hat to you! :D


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