
Aug 30, 2006 20:15

Got to chat with Dale today ^-^ She's currently on the second leg of a US and European tour as part of the UP Concert Chorus. She's in Italy right now but she's leaving the day after tomorrow for England then on to Germany. Huwaw! I'm jealous. Asked her if she's found any cute Europeans for her former roommates :P Sadly, she hasn't found any yet, though she's dazzled the Italians with her command of the language (BA European Languages, major in French, minor in Italian ba naman XD).

Her pictures of the places she's been to are fueling a serious case of wanderlust. Hay.

Told my brother that there was manga to be had for only P100/volume at the Manila Bookfair. That piece of information was enough to entice him to visit the bookfair tomorrow after he gets his classcards in DLSU. He's even willing to pick up some stuff for me which was the entire point of me telling him about the bookfair.

C4 is scheduled for May 24-28 2007 in LA. If everything goes well, I'll be in LA the week before to visit Les and Abi. I won't be able to hang out with them if I'll only be in LA for the convention proper. Shucks. This whole trip is going to take some serious cash...

the_bumper_car forwarded me an interesting article: Why 'Nice Guys' are often such losers.

Walking on eggshells is possible. But tiring. I'm tired. I don't want to do this anymore.

Bio 120 lec exam on Saturday. Hay.

May Jap10 homework pa pala ako. Whoops.

acads, friends, life

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