interesting day

Aug 29, 2006 23:17

Our dog gave birth today ^-^ Buffy is now the proud mommy to 3 black female puppies. They're so small! They're going to be holed up in the kids' bathroom for the next 2 weeks so I'll have to share my bathroom in the meantime.

I got a 75/80 in my last Jap10 long exam. Woot! I dedicate this score to silverhakai for without him, this score would not have been possible ^-^ It was actually 70/80 but I got the 5 points bonus for giving 5 words we didn't study in class. The mistakes I made in the verb conjugations table are still needling at me though. I listed the dictionary form instead of the -masu form. Oh well.

Having trouble studying for the Bio 120 lec exam. Hay. I can't focus.

Overthinking is bad.

acads, life

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