boring day

Jul 28, 2006 23:28

Ended up leaving the house about 10 minutes later than usual because I just had to check my YM. Gyaaa. Couldn't resist talking to Les for a short while. Caught some other late (or early, depending on how you look at it) owls. Made it to UP with 20 minutes to spare though. The bus just flew through EDSA.

Had an interesting conversation with the_bumper_car and Phil. I didn't realize Phil was from Ateneo GS and HS, although the straight English with a distinct accent should have given it away :p I was also the_bumper_car's test mannequin for his obi-tying. Luckily, no blood was spilled because of the incident :p

It's so weird that we poke fun at the exclusive school types when the_bumper_car and I spent our formative years in the La Salle system... So from a certain point of view, I can be considered a 3rd generation La Sallian... *hides*

Checked on the microbes, completed the tests for our experiment. I contaminated our casein plate *wails* I don't know if we'll have to repeat it. You can still see the streaks although the contam's spread through 1/3 of the plate. I'm so stupid.

When I got home, I found the airconditioning on and bluecrisp sleeping on my bed. Dad sent her to our house to rest because she came in sick. I'll know who to blame if I get sick because of the germs that are now all over my bed :p


school, life

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