night of firsts

Jul 30, 2006 14:41

Yesterday was a night of firsts. It was my first Yale party (it was bleedandheal's birthday bash), my first time drinking more than 1 bottle of beer/Mule, and the first time I belted out karaoke without having to be threatened with bodily harm.

Passed my application for the opening in Powerbooks. Thank you so much Chiqui! ^-^ I hope it goes through. If ever I get accepted, I hope they'll be understanding when they assign me a shift. Hitched a ride with fallen_nerd going to Yale.

Yale parties are fuuunnn ^-^ Good food and good company - what more can you ask for? ^-^ Watched "Black Adder" - didn't like it as I hate comedies that get their laughs from people acting stupid (e.g. Mr. Bean, Dumb and Dumber) - and "Moulin Rouge" - we sang along :p We also played Cranium. Our team (Ricky, Ron, Vicoy's cousin, and me) won. I think I like my tita's set better though. It has different rules from the one we played. The Magic Sing was plugged in after Cranium. We then proceeded to regale the entire neighborhood with badly sung, very loud karaoke. Whoohoo! the_bumper_car, remind me to never let you near a microphone when you're drunk :p

This was the first time anyone's managed to get me to drink more than the usual single bottle of beer. Oneal and Paul mixed up very nice screwdrivers and zombies. Whoo! Had 3-4 glasses, although Oneal said the drinks had less vodka than usual so I suppose it wasn't that big of a deal alcohol content-wise. The great thing is that I didn't wake up with a hangover XD Guess I have a higher alcohol tolerance level than I thought.

How to tell if I'm tipsy:
1. I get talkative. I couldn't seem to stop talking last night. Thank goodness I still managed to censor what I was saying.
2. I get sleepy. I almost nodded off a few times but woke up after drinking water. But then again, it may have just been the late hour.
3. I willingly sing karaoke. 'Nuff said.
3. I sing better. Pramis. My voice comes out husky and low after I've downed a few.

nwa, work, life

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