blurredlights gave back my Sponge Cola CD sleeve. Yael Yuzon signed it. Squeee! ♥ Thank you so much Jason!!! ^-^ Now I just have to find the CD itself because it's now been lost in the disaster area that is my room. Sigh.
MB returned Aids' Jedi costume and showed me the contact prints. In fairness, both he and the costume looked great even though he's bulkier and about 4 inches taller than Aids. Good thing the robes were designed to be loose. Had to chase MB to the NSRI to get the costume back as he disappeared immediately after our class.
I've just been subjected to thorough psychoanalysis. Kainis. Napaisip tuloy ako.
I need to get a new job. This one is boring me to tears as well as driving me nuts. Plus I haven't gotten any new work this past week so that means no extra cash.
DSL is still down. PLDT's customer service SUCKS. Gaaahhh.