This and that...

Jul 11, 2008 19:57

Hello again. Did you know that you can only have 150 interests listed on your profile page? I know that because I tried to add two more to mine and was given a polite message saying I couldn't add any more.

I cooked steaks tonight. Very good steaks. I was starving all evening but when I finally fixed my own plate and sat down, I looked at it and realized that I was no longer hungry. So I put most of it in a butter bowl and saved it in the fridge though you know warmed up steak just will not be the same.

Hey, I found an X-Files book at WallyMart yesterday. For a second I thought it might have been the novelization from the new film but no such luck. But it's called Antibodies and is written by Kevin J. Anderson who's written some of the Star Wars novels, Darksaber and Jedi Search are the ones I have. It was first written in 1997 and there's a list of several others too. I somehow have completely missed the series though the late 90's were a bad time for me as far as reading goes. I haven't started on the book yet since I haven't finished my library books that are overdue AGAIN.

I was digging around in the middle thing in the car and found a CD that had been forgotten about. I spent most of the drive home alternating between Blinded by the Light and Don't Fear the Reaper. Made me very happy and I arrived home with a smile on my face.

books, personal

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