Reading and looking around...

Jul 05, 2008 22:45

Hello, hello...why am I still awake. I need to be up and away early in the morning. I have a looooong drive ahead of me.

I've been reading spoilers over at theclonewars about the new Star Wars movie. The part about Jabba's son had me cracking up, NOT what I expected him to be like at all. :) I'm counting the days now until I can see it! And there are stories being posted over at starwarsficfest. Not a lot yet, just a few. A good one about Han/Leia, one about Vader hating Obi-Wan, a Vader/Palpatine one that had me horrified and fascinated all at once, one with Dooku and Obi-Wan talking about Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan in a bar fight, and a couple of more. All well-written and definitely worth reading. There were several of the prompts on the list that I was hoping someone would pick. I'd intended on picking a couple myself but everything's been so upside down and I've been gone a lot more than I thought I'd be. I still might pick something from the end of the month.
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