Arrrrrgh...I forgot The Clone Wars novel was going to be out, came out Saturday as a matter of fact, and then today I had to work late and couldn't get it. The month just passed quicker than I thought and I didn't realize the release date had already come and gone. And my buddy
alwaysanakin has her copy and I'm sitting here looking at library books I don't want to read anymore because I WANT A CLONE WARS BOOK TOO!
I guess I should be watching Saving Grace, already missed The Closer. Maybe one or both will repeat later tonight. I'd like to just go to bed early...since I don't have my book...but there's some papers from work I need to read over and I need to wash clothes...and...and...I need know...from The Dark Knight...he'd keep me straight.:)
But seriously, have you seen The Dark Knight? It's great, GO SEE IT. Now there's nothing lighthearted about it. Now and then a funny happens but it's dark if it has anything to do with The Joker. Give Heath Ledger the Oscar already, he deserves it and not cause he's dead but because he was BRILLIANT in this role. No happy ending either and nothing much wrapped up but then I've come to expect those things and have become semi-immune after making my way through Legacy of the Force.