(no subject)

Apr 01, 2006 05:10

Hello everyone! I suppose this is April's Fool's day but, I honestly am not up for trying to post a prank. This has been an unusually exhausting week.

Apart from two exams it was my roommate's birthday Wednesday, which just amounted to an excuse he used to drink his ass off in the middle of the week and come back to our hall to pick fights with the neighbors. Honestly, his actions were really ridiculous that night (or more like that morning, he came back at about 3:00 or 4:00 am) and embrassing. It mainly started with him yelling at people in the study lounge, ranting that he knew the cure for cancer, and escalated to the point he unzipped his pants. Soon after that the RA from the other hall came in and convinced him to go back to his room. It is funny how quickly he complies to RAs but, he was still trying to go back out to stir up more trouble.

The following night the group that encountered my roommate and myself ate the birthday cake that was intended for him. I can't help but feel bad for the guy. When he is sober, he is such a bland and unfriendly jerk to everyone (he doesn't even respond to my parents when they greet him) except me and maybe a couple of other guys. When he drinks, he is obnoxious and is only amusing to a few people. It is no one's fault except his own. He has this sort of mentality that he can do whatever he wants in college and there are no repercussions. Ha, coming from the guy that got an MIP. The guys in my hall think I worry about him too much and I bet I do. He can be a real ass.

See ya',
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