We're down to the wire now. Are you guys ready?
Summaries: If you haven't turned in your summary, I need it now.
Instructions on how and where to do this are here. No summary, no artist, and you won't get to post. Get those in if you haven't done so.
Rough Drafts: Rought drafts are due on today. I'm not an ogre so if you get it in a couple of days past that date, I won't yell.
When you're ready, send your story as an attachment in an e-mail to unfulfilledpotential@gmail.com. In the body of the e-mail, I need your story's title, fandom, and your LJ handle. That's it.
I'm doing it this way so I'll have your story to send when an artist chooses it. Yes, the artist will get to read the rough draft; that way the artist can create something to go with your story.
Okay, get in those summaries and rough drafts. And if you have any other questions, please comment here.