Posting Schedule for Stories

Aug 28, 2010 22:05

I apologize. School started and time got away from me.

Anyway, it appears we are three days away from the big day (September 1). Yay! I so can't wait to see the stories and the artwork.

So, here's how this is going to work. Below are the first 3 days in September, the dates for posting. The writers will choose a day to post, and it's first come, first served. Artists, keep a check on the list to see when your writer is posting so you can post the artwork on the same day.

If your story is going to take multiple posts, go ahead and make those posts, then do a chapter post at the end to make it easy for people to read your fic.

On September 4, you may post your story anywhere you want.

Choose a Day
1 - themistoklis & politicette
2 - sparrowshellcat
3 - weaselett

posting schedule

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