
Update on the last entry

Jan 09, 2016 14:04

Fox is doing better. I think the biggest thing that has been haunting her was the fact that she had originally planned to stay a day longer but left early. She worried that had she stayed like she had originally planned (Or I should say, had been expected to) she would have been there for her mother, thus leaving early made her responsible for her mother's death. I told her that what would have happened is that she would have had to have seen her mother's dead body and would have probably been the one to discover her if she had stayed. Although no autopsy was performed, the ME said that she died of an aneurysm and because she showed no signs of having tried to stop her fall, was gone before she ever hit the floor. This told Fox that there was nothing she could have done, and her father let her know he felt it was good she wasn't there to see and go through what he had, and moreso he didn't blame her at all.

We let Fox stay on the couch (I own the world's most comfortable futon) and I convinced her to kennel her two cats at a place that has a really nice kitty kennel. They even use aromatherapy and play videos for them and give them a little place to have some wandering room. My knowledge of herbs and nootropics came in very handy as I knew of several things that helped take the edge off during the rough moments. I can't do miracles but I can help a little. I also dug out my collection of really corny 1980's cartoons and played them for her so she could have background noise to keep the dark thoughts out. It was enough to help her through the worst of it.

The funeral was scheduled for a week later and her boyfriend flew up to drive her to her parents' house. He's able to get some nice deals on flights and she was in no state to be in a car along for six hours. The man was a saint for coming on such short notice and we did what we could to make him comfortable.

They went up on Sunday, the funeral was Monday and they came home monday night. Tuesday we let them sleep in and then did Fondue that evening, then the boyfriend went home on Wednesday. We picked up Fox's cats and she went home with them as well.

She's doing alright. Caught a cold from the boyfriend (or just from stress) but she's going to be okay.
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