So, that happened

Feb 12, 2012 16:38

Today I made a "gay-pride" mazuzah at an event my sister was throwing. Mostly I got dragged along because I like shiny glass things, and I wanted to make something shiny and glasses. I started doing something with bright colors and my mom said: "oh, making a rainbow?" and I was like: *blink* because the idea hadn't occurred to me. So then I made a rainbow! It's pretty and this week it's off to be fired but it should be back next week so I can admire it! woot!

ALSO, I might be getting a second dog! A friend of my sister's is somehow knowing of another Bichon that needs a home, and so Abby and the other dog are going to meet up next week and see if they get along. If they do, I get a dog! I've been looking/thinking about getting another dog for awhile now, because I'm gone so much and I want Abby to have somebody to play with. Think good thoughts for me?

Okay, and this is Weight Loss related.

I finally got below 240! It's taken about 15 months, but I've lost officially 50 lbs! I tried on a pair of jeans that have never fit before and they fit today! And were comfy! I WORE THEM! They were these super expensive jeans that my mom bought me about 2 years ago, that I told her wouldn't fit because they were too small, and she was like: save them, you're losing weight, they'll fit soon!

So, it took 2 years, but I did it! I have a lot more weight to lose, but I'm doing it! SLOWLY and CAREFULLY and um, basically existing by taking *lots* and *lots* of walks with my doggie.

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