It's all sunshine, it's nothing but sunshine

Sep 10, 2010 10:52

We always ride at night because I'm such a baby. It's too hot/sunny during the day. Well, yesterday, we went out around 6:30. It was so cool and crisp. Perfect. Fall is coming!

We rode to West Carrolton and back which is about a 17 mile round trip.
We went to Sonic for dinner.

Why yes, ice cream IS a side dish! I'm an adult... and I say so!
It was honestly the best Sonic I'd ever had. Everything was hot and tasty and our car hop (we were on the patio though) was awesome. I will be going back there for sure.
The only problem was eating a hot sandwich and fries then downing a freezing sundae and a cold strawberry pineapple slush and then trying to ride a bike hahaha. I was so stuffed and it was getting chilly out. I drank that slush and my skin was all goosebumps!

By the time we were heading home, the sun was setting behind us and it was super pretty over the river.

After lunch yesterday, Brian finally took all my advice and went to the doctor and got his prescriptions refilled! Can you believe it? I was pleased about that. It's not going to make him superman, but it's going to help. He was a jackass for waiting so long, but at least he finally went.

I'm hoping to score this off Craigslist for $25. I hope they still have it. I think it would slow me down for Brian's sake and Eddy would probably absolutely love it. Sure, I'll look silly as hell on a pink road bike with a giant primary colored baby trailer... with a chihuahua in it...
but what the heck haha.
Plus, I've NEVER seen one of these for less than $50. It's probably already gone.
It was gone! But I'm going to keep a eye out for another.

We'll see what happens. haha.

photos, biking, eddy, brian, family, bike paths, dayton

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