Maybe wisdom does come with age...

Aug 31, 2010 10:25

We watched 500 Days of Summer last night. It was adorable. I liked it a lot.
At the end though, I was a little sad and distraught. I said, "Well... that's sad though..."
and Brian said, "Well, he said it wasn't a love story."
And I said "I know, but he loved her."

Then he looks at me and he says, "But it's not sad. Because she wasn't the one for him. He thought she was, but she wasn't. He'll find someone even better. Like I thought Amanda was the only one... and my heart was broken... and then... I met you."

He's so cute. He melts me. I love him. 7 years we've been together now. Pretty wild.

Lately, I haven't thought much about the future. Hope, dreams... all those things. Not like I've given up on them. Just that I'd like to focus on here and now for once. It's sort of nice.

I try not to plan more than a week ahead on anything lately. Less complicated that way.

Crystal and Matt broke up. I'm not 100% sure what happened, but I know I need to dedicate a day this weekend to helping her feel better. She needs it. She deserves it. I need to be a friend. Sometimes I'm not super great at that.

cute, friends, crystal, brian, love, movies, relationships

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