Argh, stupid Criminal Minds/Stargate crossover plot bunny is stupid.

Aug 06, 2015 02:27

I should be working on the presentation on female soldiers in visual media I'm supposed to be giving on Sunday (my sister invited me to be a speaker for the left-wing/alternative feminist mini-festival she's been organising with a couple of people when two speakers they'd originally asked to come had to drop out and I gave her two options: female soldiers in visual media or "hypermasculinity, warrior cult and sexism in the context of the military" and she told me I was free to choose. Twitter told me to go with option #1 and I obeyed. I am dearly regretting the decision :P But then again, that's still my Master's thesis's topic so I guess getting back into it can only be good for the goal to finally finish my degree before the year is out). Or at least writing the Holiday Fic Request story I talked about with mackenziesmomma.

And all I can think about writing is that stupid Criminal Minds/Stargate crossover plot bunny that's been eating away at me since I fucking dreamed of it (I never, swear to God, ever have been inspired to write something by dreaming about it since a) I fairly seldomnly can remember my dreams and b) the dreams I do remember usually are nonsense and have no use whatsoever for writing). I know that it's definitely going to have to be a Minor Characters thing, that it needs to take place sometime around the second half of Criminal Minds's Season 3 (since I really, really want Rossi to meet Maureen Reece, if only because he's a highly decorated US Marine Corps Vietnam vet and apparently used to be an NCO and she's a US Marine Corps captain having a hard time keeping her USAF CO from alienating everyone he meets) and that I want it to take place on Earth (if only so that Tom can quote Mission: Impossible ("The mission, should you choose to accept it...") and be an insufferable idiot the entire time, because the entire team's leave on Earth gets cancelled and they're told to hunt down an unsub endangering the Stargate program's secrecy instead of going where they go for Earthside R&R).

To be honest, the only reason I haven't started writing it yet aside from a few lines of dialogue in a notebook is that I can't seem to make up my mind about the unsub that gets the SGC/Homeworld Security (and thus Team Moore) involved. I know that I want the SGC to cancel Team Moore's annual leave and put them on the trail of an unsub that the SGC/Homeworld Security have a very high interest/high stakes in (you know, the kind of person that would highly compromise the entire Stargate program and possibly lead to a very uncomfortable reveal) and I want them to clash with the BAU (as in the BAU gets alerted the usual way, they start to dig into the case, at some point they run into Team Moore running their own operation to catch the unsub, hilarity headbutting and "Who the hell are you guys?" ensues). I want it to take place in the DC/Quantico area (so not a lot of traveling and Garcia can be an active part instead of mostly sitting in her office and answering phone calls), and making it a multichapter is totally okay.

Anyway, the pivotal point in all of this really is the damn unsub. My first idea was Goa'uld infected soldier/Marine/Airmen/scientiest/clerk/whatever but then again, that's probably the lamest idea ever, so I started to come up with other things and... nothing really worked so far. I shortly considered a traumatized Stargate program veteran going off the rails but that feels kinda dirty after working two years for a veteran association regularly dealing with traumatized vets (I haven't totally ruled it out, yet. I just feel that it would be really hard to pull off and be respectful of traumatized vets at the same time). Then there's the usual NID/Trust/rogue Marines thing and I nearly succumbed to it, going by one of my usual MOs (connecting the current villain with the past, such as using the same bad guy I used in Take Charge, back to take revenge on Maureen and Tom, possibly backed by some shady group or other) but I'd rather avoid that.

So... does anyone have an idea how else I could go about this unsub thing? Anyone got an idea for an unsub the SGC/Homeworld Security might be highly interested in (and highly interested in keeping the whole thing from catching unwanted attention)? As long as I can't come up with anything this damn bunny's gonna bug the hell out of me. Soon as I got an idea I can either finally go and write it or it'll stop bugging me (because that just keeps happening. I keep mulling over a vague bunny, weeks and weeks and the moment I finally find the last missing piece to start writing... it hops away, never to be seen again...). Can anyone help me with this? Please?

fandom: criminal minds, fandom: stargate, crazy hazy hue, fannish stuff, plot bunnies, stargate: minor characters, crossover: misc, obsession of the week, wonderful world of academia

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