
Jul 23, 2015 00:58

Yeah, I know, I promised to post more regularly but I've got a good excuse: ever since the beginning of summer, it's been just too damn hot (that's actually a lie, we did had a couple days with bearable temperatures. But the majority is not). And by "too damn hot" I mean eveything above 25°C (that's 77F in your weird temperature scale that doesn't make any sense and is apparently based on "what feels hot and what doesn't"? And stop laughing at me, I'm from Central Europe and I was born before climate change reared its ugly head in earnest, I still remember a time when three weeks of sun and temperatures in the 30s (Celsius, that is) were as good as it got), everything else is fucking torture.

I know, I know, most of you are already tired of hearing that from me (and I know that there are people among you who actually feel better when temperatures are in the high 20s and honestly, I'm happy for you and really, really jealous as well) but OMFG, I'm just so sick of it the current cycle (starting out in the low 20s, steadily rising towards low 30s for about a week, thunderstorms, lather, rinse, repeat), even though at least it gives me a breather every couple days (as opposed to last year. I still shudder at remembering how I was ready to just give up by the end of like six weeks or something of having to sleep in a room that never cooled down to anything below 25°C). And yes, technically, complaining about the weather doesn't make any sense at all since we can't change it, anyway (actually, we can. So thanks a lot to everyone contributing to climate change :P) but OMG, I just can't anymore :(

Also, aside from the fucking heat, I had my first ever tick bite at the beginning of July and promptly ended up on antibiotics for twenty days since the fucking thing wasn't just a tick, it was a tick infected with fucking borreliosis. Four days on antibiotics remain and my hate on ticks and related pests is steadily on the rise. I hate hate hate creepy crawlies (except spiders. As long as they aren't dangerous and just go about their day of spinning webs and catching flies, I'm fine with them) and honestly, why do we have those? What's the purpose? Why don't those go instinct? Good, beautiful, funny, cute, useful animals die out every day and ticks survive? Fuck you, Mother Nature.

So, you see, I have good reasons to hate summer. I'm already at the point of scrolling through the autumn and fall tags on Pinterest for hours and weeping bitterly inside because October is still so far away (I always thought I love December. And I do, I like December. But the best month, the best month of them all is October. All good things happen in October. Colorful leaves. Autumn storms. Bearable temperatures. Chestnuts. Start of my knitting season. Halloween. All. The Good.Things.) and because, if the predictions that 2015 will be the hottest year ever recorded, come true, September will probably be just as equally shit as July and August. Ugh.

Anyway, sorry for the ranting and pissing but I'm just really tired of everyone and their mother in the media trying to sell to me that hot equals good (it doesn't. It equals sweat, sticky clothes, sticky skin, icky feeling and tick bites), that sunny days are the ultimate goal for every fucking day in summer (they aren't. Some of us *coughs me *coughs have such shitty skin that they turn red after about ten minutes of exposure, even with SPF 50. Also, wild fires. Fucking wild fires.) and that you have to spend all three months of summer outside, every fucking minute of it (did I mention the sunburn thing? And the tick bite thing?), or you suck at life. It's really amazing how TV and radio people can still tout their blatant lies after weeks of an entire continent (two, actually. No, three.) sweating and cursing. Sometimes I do wonder if most of them maybe live in some kind of parallel world or something? Seems the only logical explanation, really.

So yeah. Summer and I don't get along (I shortly considered that maybe it would be better if I went outside more but then I remembered that I got the tick bite when I went to a garden barbecue and came to my sense) and I am really, really jealous of all you guys who know how to enjoy summer and actually get a kick out of temperatures constantly above 25°C and... OMFG THERE'S ACTUAL RAIN OUTSIDE maybe I'll get to sleep tonight, after all (probably not. my bedroom is full of furniture I'm still parking there and circulation is non-existent. And no, A/C is not a standard feature in German apartments). Keep your fingers crossed for me, please!

same old same old, random, weather

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