Even MORE daily useless rambling

Nov 21, 2009 23:55

Yep, it's a collection of daily meaningless rambling...

  • 23:58 Meet the new twiniverse (I'm thinking about conditioning you all to calling it "Shock And Awe"...) theme song: is.gd/4ZYWe *sighs #
  • 01:28 OK, I guess the guys on soldatentreff.de now probably think I've completely lost it. But I had to ask this question about medical officers! #
  • 01:59 Attempting to continue writing the Lorne!whump again. I could use a little help, followers... #
  • 02:06 "Hier fliegen gleich die Löcher ausm Käse denn nun geht sie los uns're Polonäse" Oh God crack!fic bunny DELUXE. German carneval in Atlantis. #
  • 14:32 Mehehe, got snapped @ by the kindergarten teachers over @ soldatentreff.de (AKA Soldatentreff-Team mods). For some reason I find that funny. #
  • 16:10 First batch of cookies is in the oven. Yay me! Only... a hundred or something more to go... #
  • 17:00 Who ever inventend pan liner deserves a medal. It's one of the greatest inventions EVER #backing #random #
  • 17:17 ARGH! Berlin - Glasgow for 21,99€ w/ Esay Jet. And my hometown - Edinburgh for even less probably w/ Ryan Air. *cries #
  • 17:20 Cookie success: tinyurl.com/yjyxhu8 and tinyurl.com/yzfk8we! #baking #
  • 17:27 Oh crap, "Only Time" on the radio... that always produces character death plot bunnies :S #
  • 22:11 Ngh. Caved in and have now an account on del.icio.us... call me Web2.0 whore *sighs #
  • 22:54 Oh God, LOVE Delicious... it's PERFECT for my little OCD "I love to tag!"-problem! #
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om nom nom, random, plot bunnies

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