Even MORE daily useless rambling

Nov 22, 2009 23:55

Yep, it's a collection of daily meaningless rambling...

  • 01:15 ARGH! My keyboard is totally fucked up! #
  • 01:38 OK, MAYBE it's not as bad as I thought... but the laptop is really starting to scare me :S #
  • 02:05 Lalala... happily tagging bookmarks on Delicious. I LOVE tagging. Did I ever mention that? Tagging makes me happy :D #
  • 03:00 Doing some late night betaing for a fellow fencer... and OMG, I'm channeling @mackenziesmomma... BIG time. #
  • 15:40 Oops. Just wanted to find a book by James E. Wise and ended up with dozens of new books on the amazon wishlist. Need a job... #
  • 18:00 Oh, fun... I just found out I've been bookmarked on Delicious by people I've never heard of before. Not sure if that's scary or cool :S #
  • 18:53 Improving my mom's LJ skillz. I have the feeling she's not really concentrating on me :P #
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fandom: misc books, random, technik die begeistert

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