Even MORE daily useless rambling

Nov 20, 2009 23:55

Yep, it's a collection of daily meaningless rambling...

  • 00:05 OK... attempting to continue writing the big bad Lorne!whump PAS piece now. I really got a little stuck and that irks me to no end. #
  • 00:17 I can't believe @mackenziesmomma and I are spinning twiniverse-bunnies again...what IS it about this 'verse, anyway? #
  • 00:21 You know what would have been a great alternative name for the Twiniverse? "Shock and Awe". Maybe I'll call the twiniverse-spinoff that... #
  • 14:22 Why is it that from 10 e-mails I sent to landlords in Berlin only ONE answered... to tell me the apartment is already lent again? GRRR! #
  • 15:48 Righty-oh, folks, it's off to #Berlin for me now. Yay, going home for ten days! Hopefully, to find an apartment :P #
  • 22:45 Yay, am home in my beloved #Berlin. Have decided to bake tomorrow (gingerbread and macadamia nut cookies). Mom is overjoyed @ the prospect:D #
  • 23:28 OMG, so many BOOKS! Thanks @mackenziesmomma! #
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