
Sep 05, 2011 20:51

The Labor Day weekend is almost over. Now that most people in America are back from that, I'd like to note a few really outstanding ficathons.

First, femgenficathon. In case any of you haven't heard yet, I extended the deadline on this one because of Hurricane Irene.

More importantly, we have outstanding stories this year--sometimes multiple outstanding stories from the same writer--some for small, Yuletide-sized fandoms and some for very large fandoms indeed. These are the fandoms we've had so far:

Criminal Minds
Dark Angel
DC Comics
Doctor Who
Doctor Who/Torchwood
Downton Abbey
Eighth Doctor Adventures novels
Happy Endings
Harry Potter
Life on Mars (UK version)
Mass Effect 2
Queen’s Thief
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Shakespeare (mixed with RPF and the New Testament)
Space Cases
Sucker Punch
St. Trinian's
The Legend of Zelda
The Sarah Connor Chronicles
The Uninvited/The Ruins
The Vampire Diaries
The West Wing
Thor (2011 film)
United States of Tara
X-Men: First Class

Unfortunately, most of the stories have few to no comments, and that's sad. So please, go here:


Find a story and comment on it. I guarantee you that there is something for everyone here. (And if you can think of ways for me to promote the ficathon and the stories more thoroughly, please tell me. I'm open to suggestions.)

Also, anyone wanting to post their FemGen stories to the Femgenficathon 2011 on Archive of Our Own can do so.


Second, misscam's girlsavesboyfic ficathon is open for sign-ups until September 9th. Stories
may be posted between October 1st - October 14th. If you like FemGen, you will probably like this one.


Third, thisengland ficathon--which focuses on Shakespeare's history plays--just posted its stories. This is a tiny fandom, but it adores AUs. This year we have:

A story featuring an England where magic is just another talent. It also deals with necromancers, pirates, blood, death, sexual perversion and, of course, Plantagenets. (This is the story that was written for me, and it is SUPERB.)

A steampunk England featuring clockwork bees and a very real magic that comes with being the firstborn son of the King of England.

Academic AU (which is so full of details about Oxford University that only an Oxonian could have written it this well).

Space opera, with Falstaff as a military genius.

Modern AU.

Old Hollywood AU.

Old West AU, set around 1875.

if you've always avoided Shakespeare on the grounds that his language is incomprehensible or because your teachers made the plays dead boring...go read these stories. You don't even have to know the plays to enjoy them. They're THAT good. (And I couldn't manage to write a story this year, so I'm not blowing my own horn here.)

Please. Take thou and read. You'll be glad you did.

shakespeare, girl saves boy ficathon, awesome women, ficathons, femgenficathon

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