Unsure About The King

Dec 18, 2003 03:32


My LJ friends and I are not on the same wavelength. Everyone is talking about how much Return of the King made them cry. This is not something that a depressive looks for in a movie, believe me. Strike one against the movie right there.

I'm trying to figure out what there is to cry about, since everyone who has been talking about how much the movie made them weep has READ THE BOOKS ALREADY. THEY KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN THEY WENT TO THE MOVIE. What the fuck is there to cry about?

The main thing I'm interested in is the Pelennor Fields scene. I know that the Pelennor Fields scene is going to be longer than Helm's Deep; I just want to know if if the Fields are going to be as boring. I fell asleep mid-Helm's Deep. As far as I can tell, I didn't miss anything. Elves, men and orcs were dying when I fell asleep, and elves, men and orcs were dying when I woke up.

Sadly, I can't go to the movie and just squee over actors. None of them really appeal to me, particularly Mr. Bloom, whom I loathe. I like some of their characters, but none of them--actors or characters--are daydream material for me.

Then, too, the only scene I care about is that of Eowyn and the Witch-King. (I've thought it over and decided I don't want to see Shelob's Lair. I'm afraid enough of spiders as it is.) That's interesting, because it involves a personal crisis for someone. But the rest of it...I just can't get excited about a fantasy war movie, or a trek through the wastes of Mordor. Especially when I know how it is going to end anyway.

Is one scene worth spending eight bucks for?

Probably not.

I liked Fellowship of the Ring. The Two Towers left me cold. And though I've been trying to work up enthusiasm for Return of the King for months, I can't get excited about it. The fiery passion everyone else seems to feel just isn't there.

Will I go see it? Oh, probably. Everyone else is going to see it, and unlike most of the movies currently out, at least I know what this one is about. And I haven't been to any movies since last December, so I figure I'm about due.

I just wish that this were a movie that I cared about, that's all.


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