Been a week

Jul 20, 2008 13:46

I forgot to blog last week. That must mean I either had a life that weekend or was working overtime. Anywhoooo...

So in the bad news department, a good friend of mine has to have open heart surgery very soon, within two weeks. He's a great guy and I've known him for years, but we all knew it was coming. He had this same surgery a long time ago, and it was known then that it was not a permanent fix. This time it should be, which is the good part of all this. He's healthy as a horse otherwise, which will help him get through it much more easily.

I am totally envious of my friends going to Comic-con without me. Keith and I decided not to go this year, and it was a good decision, one I stand by, but I'll miss it. It's usually my favorite trip of the year. We agreed that maybe we'd try Wondercon in San Fran, which I've mentioned before. I heard from Sandy that Gerard Butler will be there this year. I am asking one of my friends to bring him back my house....tied up....and sedated. JOKES..all JOKES!
But really, bring him to my house.

I watched Hitman last week. It was one of those fun, mindless movies that's a good waste of a couple of hours. I also watched Dracula 2000. I had seen most, but not all, of it. And I forgot Gerard Butler was the vampire in it. Hmm... When we went to see Hancock, we got a preview for Death Race (with Jason Stathan) which I have to see. Cars, guns, future. It's all good. Hancock was ok, but it turned into a different movie at about the 3/4 mark. Odd. I know for sure the explanation for his powers is different than what was originally shot, and the movie had gone through extensive reshoots in the second half. Ah well, it'll all be on the DVD hopefully.

Not much else to tell. I got my Kindle, which is fabulous!!! I love it and am blowing through books in a flash. We have to see Batman this coming weekend or I'll mutiny! And I need to see HellBoy as well. UGH! I'm so behind. That's it for now.
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