I made a zergling for a friend of mine who I met in a game, and this was my biggest project yet! I only started needle felting in the last few months, and so far have made a few pokemon to learn basic shaping, but nothing quite as challenging as this!
My little plush tribute to the awesomeness that is Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. I first made them back in 2007, but only posted the original design to LJ. This is the improved version!
Which I wanted to share! There's a gift swap over at tardis-day which I participate in every year. I really look forward to it, it's an excuse to be crafty, and a hard deadline to finish the craft, which I need. P:
First, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped me with making my purple caster minion hats! I went with a foam base and sewed purple cloth onto them. The horns were...a little fail, but they served their purpose! Please note: big pictures under the cut!